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Electronic Visit Verification Form

What is Electronic Visit Verification? FAQs from the MDHHS (Part I)

Effective September 3, 2024, The MDHHS  is now requiring the use of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in Michigan. We want to share some frequently asked questions about EVV from the MDHHS.

EVV will now be required for the following programs in Michigan:
  • Behavioral Health
  • MI Choice Waiver
  • MI Health Link (Personal Care Services)
  • Medicaid Managed Care Home Health Care Services

EVV was previously required for those enrolled in Home Health Care Fee for Service in April . In June, it became required for those enrolled in Home Help Agency Providers (Personal Care Services).

In preparation for September’s hard launch for EVV, PAS been requiring participants and direct care professionals to use EVV since 2018. That’s six years of training and experience with EVV! Every member on our team has a deep understanding of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) and the CareWhen app we use to record services. We personally train each new participant and direct care professional that enrolls with us and we are always here to answer questions or help with issues. Because of the time we spend upfront, we have 100% compliance with all Direct Care Professionals.

What is EVV and What Does it Record?

EVV is an electronic solution to verifying who and when your Medicaid Services are delivered. EVV can be captured through a phone or computer to verify the following information about your services:

  • Which service was delivered?
  • Who received the service?
  • When the service starts and ends?
  • Where the service was delivered?
  • Who provided the service(s)?
How is EVV Data Collected?

Using the MDHHS vendor tools for EVV collection, EVV can be recorded by a mobile application or telephony. The MDHHS prefers Direct Care Professionals (DCP) use the mobile app. If using a mobile app, the DCP can download it on their phone for service recording. DCPs will use the app to clock-in and out at the beginning and end of their service delivery. The app can also be used offline to allow DCPs to clock-in and out when they don’t have an internet connection.

The DCP can use the telephony or interactive voice response (IVR) system. This allows the DCP to use the participant’s landline to record their services. The DCP will call a toll-free number at the beginning and end of their shift. The MDHHS allows telephony but only if the mobile application is not an option for the DCP.

Other requirements for telephony include:

  • The service recipient has a landline to use for EVV recording.
  • Service delivery begins and ends in the participant’s home.
Where can I find more information?

PAS does offer EVV training on the CareWhen app so you can learn how to:

  • Clock-in
  • Clock-out
  • View System Quick Notes
  • Set your Username and Password

To learn more about EVV requirements, please visit the following links below:

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