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Electronic Visit Verification will be Mandatory Starting September 3!

Looking for a partner that can help you transition? We implemented EVV in 2018 and are proud to say we have 100% current compliance.
We spend one-on-one time with each individual to train them on the system and ensure they are comfortable using it.
Contact us today: email: info@passelfdirection or call: 877.729.3181.

Share Your Story

Have a great PAS story to share? We would love to hear about it! Please complete the form below to tell us your experience with our team.

Testimonial Form
Which program are you receiving support from?
What is your role in Self-Direction?
Would you be willing to share a photo of yourself for PAS marketing purposes (i.e. testimonial board, feature stories, etc.)? If yes, please read and check the following Photo Release Agreement.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Photo Use Consent
Would you be willing to talk with someone from PAS so we can learn more about your experience?
Can PAS use the information provided in this form to share your story for marketing purposes (i.e. testimonial boards, feature stories, etc)? If yes, please read and check the following Testimonial Agreement.
How would you prefer to be contacted?
What day or days work best for a phone call (choose up to 3)?
What time of day works best for you?
Testimonial Use Consent
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