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AgeWays Provides Resources for Direct Care Professionals

The Area Agency on Aging 1-8 AgeWay’s website provides great resources for DCPs in Michigan. On their resources page, DCPs can take advantage of resources like:

  • Caregiver coaching
  • Class and workshops
  • Connect with other caregivers

See the full list of resources here.

Caregiver Coaching

Volunteers provide caregiver coaching to DCPs through one-on-one support. Training can be done virtually on Zoom or by phone. Volunteer coaches help with your individual needs as a DCP since each family’s needs can vary. Coaches can be used to listen to obstacles, research solutions, and provide support to DCPs. DCPs who live in each of the following counties or care for someone who can take advantage of caregiver coaching:

  • Livingston
  • Macomb
  • Monroe
  • Oakland
  • Clair
  • Washtenaw

Classes and Workshops

Virtual classes are useful for DCPs who want to provide better support for their family or employers. The virtual setting allows for attendance via phone, tablet, and computer. The virtual courses are free and DCPs can register on the AgeWays website. AgeWays offers single-day workshops and longer courses that last six weeks. The single-day workshops cover topics including:

  • Dementia basics
  • Challenging behaviors
  • Care strategies

The six-week course covers topics like:

  • Hiring in-home help
  • Making legal and financial decisions
  • Understanding depression

More information on the classes and workshops can be found here.

Connect with Caregivers

DCPs in counties listed above in AgeWay’s region have free access to a TruAlta subscription. The subscription provides DCPs with access to expert caregiving guidance and support groups. The expert guidance helps with handling difficult situations that DCPs encounter. DCPs can also receive training specific to their employer’s care needs. Community chats and webinars with other caregivers are available in a TruAlta subscription. These helps DCPs connect with other DCPs in their community.

DCPs can register for TruAlta below.


For more information on DCP resources, visit the AgeWays Resources page below.

Direct Care Professional Resources

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